You’ve made a video and published it on YouTube, but what do you get out of that? If you’re not sure, this guide to YouTube analytics will help. It’ll give you insight into who’s watching your videos and how they’re engaging with them. 

If you want to know more about your audience, then check out our guide below: 

Understand The Basics Of Video Statistics 

YouTube Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding your viewers, your channel, and your videos. You can find it in the Channel Settings menu. Understanding the basics of video statistics will help you make better decisions about where to focus your efforts. The first thing to understand is that YouTube Analytics provides two types of data: aggregate and individual. Aggregate data includes information on things like total views and average view duration across all videos on a channel; individualized information includes details about specific views (i.e., how many people watched a particular video). 

Use YouTube Reporting To Learn More About Your Audience 

You can also use YouTube reporting to learn more about your audience. For example, you can see the demographics of your viewers, their interests and locations, as well as what devices they’re using to watch your videos. You can even see which languages they speak! 

Find Out Where Your Viewers Are Coming From 

You can find out where your viewers are coming from by looking at the list of countries that your videos have been viewed in. This will give you an idea of where your content is being watched and who is watching it. This information is especially useful if you’re trying to build a following outside of the United States or Canada, as YouTube Analytics doesn’t currently provide much information about non-English speaking countries (but this may change soon). 

Track And Improve SEO 

YouTube Analytics is a great way to track and improve your SEO. It allows you to see where people are coming from, what keywords they used, and how many views each video has received. This can help you identify the best ways of promoting your channel and increasing traffic

YouTube Analytics 

YouTube Analytics is a free tool that gives you detailed information about your channel, videos, and audience. This way, Can i see who liked my YouTube comment, understand their behavior, and improve my channel’s performance. It’s available on all YouTube channels. 

For example: if you have a video that has a lot of views but not many likes or comments compared to other videos on your channel, then this may be because it was posted at the wrong time or people are just not interested in it (or both). By comparing different metrics like these over time with other content on your channel, you’ll be able to see where things are going right–and wrong–and make adjustments accordingly. 

Channel Statistics 

The channel statistics section of your analytics provides a summary of your channel’s performance over time.

It includes the following information: 

1. Total number of videos posted to the channel (including deleted videos)

2. Total number of subscribers to the channel, as well as their growth rate over time

3. Average view count per video and its growth rate over time (the average watch time is not shown) 

In addition, this section also shows how many people have commented on or liked each video; how many shares each published piece has received; and finally, from where viewers are watching these videos–mobile device or tablet? 

Video Views, Likes, And Comments 

If you’re looking for data about your channel and its videos, there’s a lot of information to be gleaned from YouTube analytics. 

Views: This is the number of times people have watched your video(s).

Likes: The number of times users have clicked on the “like” button under a video.

Comments: This shows how many comments there are on each video in question. 

Watch Time & Engagement 

Watch Time is how long your videos are being watched for, which you can see in the YouTube Analytics Dashboard. This is an important metric because it tells you how engaged your audience is with your channel and content. If they’re spending more time watching videos on your channel, that means they like what they’re seeing! Engagement refers to actions taken by viewers while they’re watching (like clicking on a video thumbnail).  

The more engagement there is concerning views, the better chance a viewer will take action after viewing something on YouTube–such as subscribing or liking/disliking it–which can help build loyalty among those who come back frequently for new content from creators like yourself!


Geography is one of the most important metrics to look at when it comes to YouTube analytics. It’s a way to see where your viewers are coming from and can help you understand where your audience is based, which in turn helps you focus on local content that might be more relevant for them.

If someone who lives in London watches one of your videos about travel destinations, maybe try focusing on cities nearby London instead of focusing on New York City (which will likely just be too far away for them). Or maybe there’s something about the topic of the video that resonates with people who live near Lake Mead? This kind of information can help inform how much time and effort goes into creating future videos related to this topic area — or even whether it should be done at all! 

Demographics & Interests (Interest Categories) 

You can also see the demographics and interests of your audience. This data can help you understand who is watching your videos and how they are connected. For example, if someone is watching one of your videos on gardening, they’re likely interested in gardening too! 

If one of your videos has lots of views but few likes or comments, it might be because viewers are enjoying it but aren’t sure what else to say about it. Maybe there isn’t enough information about what makes this video great yet–so be sure to add some extra details in the description box next time! 


YouTube Analytics is a powerful tool for YouTube creators. It provides you with valuable insights into your audience and performance on the platform. You can use this information to improve your videos, optimize them for viewers and grow your audience base over time.